7 research outputs found

    Grouping behaviour and decision making in road tunnels evacuation in smoke conditions Experimental approach

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    We have performed a set of evacuation experiments in a road tunnel. In each experiment pedestrians were gathered in a bus, the bus was stopped in the tunnel, next the tunnel was filled with artificial smoke and pedestrians had to evacuate. We compared evacuation times and behaviours for different levels of visibility, defined by extinction coefficient Cs range

    Pedestrian Spatial Self-organization According to its Nearest Neighbor Position

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    AbstractThe paper describes relation between positions of individuals in a crowd, namely dependence between position of a pedestrian and position of his/her nearest neighbors. Two main characteristics have been analyzed: nth nearest neighbors’ spatial and angular distributions. At first sight, people in human crowd seem to be located randomly, however, our findings indicate that there are clearly visible patterns in analyzed characteristics. We discover symptoms of strong correlations between position of closely located pedestrians. Simple, local movement rules for pedestrian are proposed to explain observed patterns

    Problems of photojournalists during media events

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    Głównym celem pracy jest przedstawienie pracy fotoreporterów podczas wydarzeń medialnych i trudności z jakimi się mierzą. I rozdział poświęcony jest teorii wydarzeń medialnych. II rozdział opowiada o fotografii prasowej w ujęciu historycznym jak i współczesnym. W III rozdziale przedstawione są problemy fotoreporterów podczas wydarzeń jak i te dotyczące branży, z kolei w rozdziale IV opisana została praca fotografów podczas konkretnych wydarzeń.The main objectiv of this thesis is to present the work of photojournalists during media events and the problems which they confront. The first chapter presesnts the theory of media events. The second chapter is about photojournalism in both historical and contemporary perspective. In the third chapter the problems of photojournalists' work during events as well those concerning the industry are presented, while in the fourth chapter the work of photojournalists during specific events is described

    Pedestrian behavior during evacuation from road tunnel in smoke condition-Empirical results.

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    Five evacuation experiments were performed in a road tunnel in order to test how pedestrians react when exposed to reduced visibility, how the decision making process is carried out, and finally what is the impact of various circumstances like: different level of smokiness, competitive behavior or learning effect on an evacuation process. In four experiments pedestrians were exposed to artificial, non-toxic smoke. During evacuation of a group of people gathered in low and moderate level of smokiness (when Cs 0.7m-1 we have observed decision making by small groups and characteristic double-lines patterns. In four experiments the same group of participants was involved, and a learning effect was observed: increasingly shorter pre-movement time and decreasing time required to leave the main tunnel. We show, that movement speed in smoke is influenced by the evacuees' attitude and familiarity with environment and evacuation procedures and not only by the visibility level

    Verification and Validation of Evacuation Models – Methodology Expansion Proposition

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    AbstractIn November 2013, Technical Note 1822: The Process of Verification and Validation of Building Fire Evacuation Models was released by NIST. The note was intended to open discussion about evacuation modeling, rather than provide definitive guidelines. The aim of our paper is to add creative contribution to V&V topic.We propose adding some qualitative tests and distinguishing a base set of tests for all kinds of models from extended set of tests for specialized models. Moreover, the inclusion of additional tests is suggested, as well as the inclusion of some improvements and extensions to the tests proposed in the note